Kevin W. Beam

Software Engineer - National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)

Python References, Tools, and Articles

Some time ago I developed a strategy–a brain hack, more accurately–to deal with my unending cursed curiosity. Instead of the 47–on average–browser tabs accumulating and clogging my computer’s memory, I started accumulating a pile of links. This pile was meant to collect interesting new packages, articles, tutorials, videos, and the like, and of course I would read them all later. Of course. The first derivative of my link pile had long been positive, and a close inspection of the second derivative revealed that it too showed no sign of nearing negative territory. I tapped both gauges with increasing intensity, but the needles remained pegged well into the positive range. Coupled with my paradoxically opposite obsession of collecting minimal lists of canonical tools that I use for various tasks–linting, testing, visualization, etc–it was clearly time to change my habits.

If the creative minds of the Reality Show Cognoscenti ever realize that there exist virtual hoarders–with their piles of links, articles, PDFs, videos, blog posts unread, and blog posts half-written–then I’m sure to feature in an early episode. In a perhaps futile effort to preempt the arrival of the show’s crew, I’ve finally collected, organized, sorted, and thinned the detritus collected in my front hall.

Here, in one place, I’ve collected the finest assortment of links about Python and its ecosystem that I’m able to put together. I present to you my official list of Python References, Tools, Packages, and Articles. This page is also linked above in the navigation bar.

Some of you may have noticed that small pile over there in the corner. And yes, the hall closet doesn’t shut fully–yet. But you can now navigate the hallway, and that’s something. I hope that you find in these links something worthwhile to your own work–whether it’s a convenient and short list of Python testing tools, or some new tool that improves your workflow.

If in your travels you find some interesting tool, article, or reference please feel free to NOT SHARE IT WITH ME DO NOT FEED MY HABIT. I kid. But seriously, don’t share it with me. No seriously, I’m kidding.
