Kevin W. Beam

Software Engineer - National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)

Functional Programming Books, Articles, Videos

As it was done for Python, so let it be done for functional programming!

I’ve collected only the finest books, articles, videos, and other sundry links into the new Functional Programming page. As with Python, it is linked above in the navigation section.

Though some of these links are specific to JavaScript, I still think them well worth reading. Similarly, there are more than a few links to material from Scott Wlaschin on his site F# for Fun and Profit. I consider most of his material of interest and use in other languages; fear not the F#! In fact, one appeal of functional programming is its almost universal application in a wide variety of languages without much mental translational drudgework. An understanding of function composition, partial application, currying, and higher-order functions in one language translates quite well to others.
